robotframework-imagehorizonlibrary icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
robotframework-imagehorizonlibrary copied to clipboard

Cross-platform Robot Framework library for GUI automation based on image recognition

=================== ImageHorizonLibrary

This Robot Framework library provides the facilities to automate GUIs based on image recognition similar to Sikuli. This library wraps pyautogui_ to achieve this.

For non pixel perfect matches, there is a feature called confidence level that comes with a dependency OpenCV (python package: opencv-python). This functionality is optional - you are not required to install opencv-python package if you do not use confidence level.

Keyword documentation

Keyword Documentation__


Travis CI

Travis CI__


.. image:: :target:


  • Python 3.x
  • pip_ for easy installation
  • pyautogui_ and it's prerequisites_
  • Robot Framework_

On Ubuntu, you need to take special measures_ to make the screenshot functionality to work correctly. The keyboard functions might not work on Ubuntu when run in VirtualBox on Windows.

Development '''''''''''

  • mock__



If you have pip_, installation is straightforward:


$ pip install robotframework-imagehorizonlibrary

This will automatically install dependencies as well as their dependencies.

Windows '''''''

ImageHorizonLibrary should work on Windows "out-of-the-box". Just run the commands above to install it.

OSX '''

NOTICE ImageHorizonLibrary does not currently work with XCode v.8. Please use a previous version.

You additionally need to install these for pyautogui_:


$ pip install pyobjc-core pyobjc

For these, you need to install XCode_

Linux '''''

You additionally need to install these for pyautogui_:


$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-xlib

You might also need, depending on your Python distribution, to install:


$ sudo apt-get install python-tk

If you are using virtualenv, you must install python-xlib_ manually to the virtual environment for pyautogui_:

  • Fetch the source distribution_
  • Install with:


$ pip install python-xlib-<latest version>.tar.gz

Running unit tests


$ python tests/utest/ [verbosity=2]

Running acceptance tests

Additionally to unit test dependencies, you also need OpenCV, Eel, scrot and Chrome/Chromium browser. OpenCV is used because this tests are testing also confidence level. Browser is used by Eel for cross-platform GUI demo application. scrot is used for capturing screenshots.


$ pip install opencv-python eel

To run tests, run this command:


$ python tests/atest/

Updating Docs

To regenerate documentation (doc/ImageHorizonLibrary.html), use this command:


$ python -m robot.libdoc -P ./src ImageHorizonLibrary doc/ImageHorizonLibrary.html

.. _Python 3.x: .. _pip: .. _pyautogui: .. _it's prerequisites: .. _Robot Framework: .. _double all coordinates: .. _special measures: .. _XCode: .. _Fetch the source distribution: .. _python-xlib: