prefolds copied to clipboard
Composable monadic short-circuiting streaming folds
A quick taste
With Control.Foldl
you can write
fold ((/) <$> sum <*> genericLength) [1..10^6]
and it'll stream.
With prefolds
you can write
exec ((/) <$> take (10^6) sum <&> take (10^6) genericLength) [1..]
and it'll stream too.
With Control.Foldl
fold null [1..10^6]
will traverse the entire list. With prefolds
the following holds: exec null (1:undefined) ≡ False
. As well as exec (take 0 undefined) ≡ []
. And folds are monadic, e.g. exec (take 2 sum >>= \n -> take n list) [1..6] ≡ [3..5]
There are multiple ways to compose folds:
f <+> g
reads as "consume a stream byf
in parallel, stop when both folds are saturated and apply the result off
to the result ofg
". -
f <&> g
reads as "consume a stream byf
in parallel, stop when either fold is saturated and apply the result off
to the result ofg
". That's whatControl.Foldl
has. -
f <*> g
reads as "consume a stream byf
, then, whenf
is saturated, consume the rest of the stream byg
and apply the result off
to the result ofg
". -
f >>= h
reads as "consume a stream byf
, then, whenf
is saturated, pass the result toh
and consume the rest of the stream by the resulting fold. -
scan f g
reads as "scan a stream withf
, then consume the resulting stream byg
". -
groupBy p f g
reads as "groupBy elements of a stream byp
, fold substreams byf
, then fold the resulting stream byg
". -
inits f g
reads as "fold "inits" of a stream byf
, then fold the resulting stream byg
". -
chunks f g
reads as "fold a stream withf
, then, whenf
is saturated, fold the rest of the stream withf
, then, whenf
is saturated... and then fold the resulting stream withg
Here is an extended example:
-- Prints
-- 2
-- 4
-- 6
-- [120,12]
-- [7,8,9,10]
-- 11
example :: IO ()
example = execM (final <$> sink1 <+> sink2 <*> sink3 <&>> total) [1..] where
final x y zs n = print [x,y] >> print zs >> print n
sink1 = take 4 $ map succ product -- 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120
sink2 = take 6 . filter even $ traverse_ print &> sum -- 2 + 4 + 6 = 12
sink3 = takeWhile (<= 10) list -- [7,8,9,10]
total = length -- total number of processed elements is 11, since
-- `takeWhile (<= 10)` forced `11` before it stopped.
Here we compose four streaming folds. (<+>)
and others have the same associativity and fixity as (<$>)
, so the fold is parsed as
((((final <$> sink1) <+> sink2) <*> sink3) <&>> total)
This reads as follows:
- Consume a stream in parallel by
and stop when both are saturated. - Consume the rest of the stream by
- While performing 1. and 2. also consume the stream by
and stop when either 1. and 2. is stopped ortotal
is saturated (which can't happen, since an attempt to find the length of an infinite list diverges). - Collect results and pass them to
is defined almost as the one in Control.Foldl
data Fold a m b = forall acc. Fold (acc -> m b) (acc -> a -> DriveT m acc) (DriveT m acc)
except that we have this DriveT
transformer which turns a Monad
into a "MonoMonad
data Drive a = Stop !a | More !a
newtype DriveT m a = DriveT { getDriveT :: m (Drive a) }
If an accumulator is in the Stop
state, then the fold is saturated. If an accumulator is in the More
state, then the fold can consume more input. Drive
(and DriveT m
for Monad m
) is an Applicative
in two ways:
instance SumApplicative Drive where
spure = Stop
Stop f <+> Stop x = Stop $ f x
f <+> x = More $ runDrive f (runDrive x)
instance AndApplicative Drive where
apure = More
More f <&> More x = More $ f x
f <&> x = Stop $ runDrive f (runDrive x)
and AndApplicative
have the same methods and laws as Applicative
except methods are named differently. There are corresponding SumMonad
and AndMonad
instances, but they don't allow to terminate execution early (like with Either
), because, well, how would you define Stop x >>= f = Stop x
if f :: a -> m b
and you're supposed to return a m b
, but Stop x :: m a
? So there is another type class:
-- The usual monad laws.
class Functor m => MonoMonad m where
mpure :: a -> m a
(>>#) :: m a -> (a -> m a) -> m a
(>#>) :: (a -> m a) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
f >#> g = \x -> f x >># g
With this we can define
instance MonoMonad Drive where
Stop x >># f = Stop x
More x >># f = f x
and DriveT m
are also Comonad
instance Comonad Drive where
extract = runDrive
extend f = drive (Stop . f . Stop) (More . f . More)
instance Monad m => Comonad (DriveT m) where
extract = error "there is no `extract` for `DriveT m` unless `m` is a comonad, \
\ but this is not needed for `extend`, which is more important than `extract`"
extend f = ...
The last instance is used a lot across the code.
There are also some MonadTrans
-like type classes:
-- Transforms a Monad into a SumApplicative.
class SumApplicativeTrans t where
slift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
-- Transforms a Monad into an AndApplicative.
class AndApplicativeTrans t where
mlift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
Instances of these type classes:
instance SumApplicativeTrans DriveT where
slift a = DriveT $ Stop <$> a
instance AndApplicativeTrans DriveT where
mlift a = DriveT $ More <$> a
Here are some suggestive synonyms:
halt :: SumApplicative f => a -> f a
halt = spure
more :: MonoMonad m => a -> m a
more = mpure
haltWhen :: (SumApplicative m, MonoMonad m) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> m a
haltWhen p x = if p x then halt x else more x
moreWhen :: (SumApplicative m, MonoMonad m) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> m a
moreWhen p x = if p x then more x else halt x
stop :: (SumApplicativeTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a
stop = slift
keep :: (AndApplicativeTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a
keep = alift
terminate :: (SumApplicative m, MonoMonad m) => m a -> m a
terminate a = a >># halt
terminateWhen :: (SumApplicative m, MonoMonad m) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
terminateWhen p a = a >># \x -> if p x then halt x else more x
Fold a m
is a Monad
, a SumApplicative
and an AndApplicative
(as you've seen in the example above) and Fold a
is a SumApplicativeTrans
and an AndApplicativeTrans
Kleisli functors
As to that (<&>>)
... have you ever wanted to apply f :: a -> b -> m c
to a :: m a
and b :: m b
in applicative style and get m c
? You can do join $ f <$> a <*> b
, but this is kinda verbose. So we can define a special purpose combinator
(<*>>) :: Monad m => m (a -> m b) -> m a -> m c
f <*>> a = f >>= (a >>=)
But there is a nice abstract structure behind this combinator that gives us such combinators for all our Applicative-like classes, namely the one of Kleisli Functors:
class (Monad m, Functor f) => KleisliFunctor m f where
kmap :: (a -> m b) -> f a -> f b
kmap = kjoin .* fmap
kjoin :: f (m a) -> f a
kjoin = kmap id
(<$>>) :: KleisliFunctor m f => (a -> m b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>>) = kmap
(<*>>) :: (KleisliFunctor m f, Applicative f) => f (a -> m b) -> f a -> f b
h <*>> a = kjoin $ h <*> a
(<+>>) :: (KleisliFunctor m f, SumApplicative f) => f (a -> m b) -> f a -> f b
h <+>> a = kjoin $ h <+> a
(<&>>) :: (KleisliFunctor m f, AndApplicative f) => f (a -> m b) -> f a -> f b
h <&>> a = kjoin $ h <&> a
instance Monad m => KleisliFunctor m m where
kmap = (=<<)
And this instance
instance Monad m => KleisliFunctor m (Fold a m) where
kmap h (Fold g f a) = Fold (g >=> h) f a
allows to use (<&>>)
the way it's used above.