mpw_precheck copied to clipboard
magicrc file is invalid! (and won't work for sky130B)
Current rule file results in (spacing added)
Magic 8.3 revision 315 - Compiled on Fri Jul 1 17:37:25 UTC 2022.
Starting magic under Tcl interpreter
Using the terminal as the console.
Using NULL graphics device.
Processing system .magicrc file
Error parsing "/home/kanobailey/mpw_precheck/checks/tech-files/sky130A.magicrc": invalid command name "EF"
Bad local startup file "/home/kanobailey/mpw_precheck/checks/tech-files/sky130A.magicrc", continuing without.
Loading "/home/kanobailey/mpw_precheck/checks/drc_checks/magic/magic_drc_check.tcl" from command line.
Don't know how to read GDS-II:
Nothing in "cifinput" section of tech file.
[INFO]: Loading user_analog_project_wrapper
File user_analog_project_wrapper.mag couldn't be read
No such file or directory
Creating new cell
"drc(full)" is not one of the DRC styles Magic knows.
The current style is "default".
The DRC styles are: default.
No errors found.
[INFO]: Should be divided by 3 or 4
[INFO]: DRC Checking DONE (/home/kanobailey/mpw-7/caravel_user_project_analog/precheck_results/03_AUG_2022___00_44_55/outputs/reports/
[INFO]: Saving mag view with DRC errors(/home/kanobailey/mpw-7/caravel_user_project_analog/precheck_results/03_AUG_2022___00_44_55/outputs/user_analog_project_wrapper.magic.drc.mag)
[INFO]: Saved
Doesn't this mean that no rules are checked?
Also, if sky130B (default) is selected, the following error occurs
Could not find file '/home/kanobailey/mpw-7/pdks/sky130B/' in any of these directories:
. $CAD_ROOT/magic/sys $CAD_ROOT/magic/sys/current
Error parsing "/home/kanobailey/mpw_precheck/checks/tech-files/sky130A.magicrc": couldn't read file "/home/kanobailey/mpw-7/pdks/sky130B/": no such file or directory