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Add file read/write capabilities to micropython
I would like to be able to manually store data to no volatile memory (= SD card) from my micropython scripts. This is for storing settings and maybe logging raw data.
[x] For this I would like to be able to open/close/read/write data to files from micropython. There probably are file libraries for micropython available.
[x] It should be easy to avoid filename conflicts, so there probably should be a way to find out the name of the current running script to enable the script to generate a filename like '
[ ] Have a best practice example script (maybe combined with #151)
Storing settings (and maybe state) on non volatile memory is also needed for #151
second item will be resolved with SCRipt:RUN? implementation (in version 1.8).
@mvladic showed this already can be done. First item is already possible and done.
Here is the MicroPython code to read and write setting to a file on the SD card using SCPI commands:
# settings is a list of strings
settings = ["settings1", "settings2", "settings3", "0", "42"]
SETTINGS_FILE_PATH = "/Scripts/my_script.settings"
# read settings list from the file
def read_settings():
settings_str = scpi('MMEM:UPL? "' + SETTINGS_FILE_PATH + '"')
skip = 2 + int(settings_str[1])
settings_str = settings_str[skip:]
settings = settings_str.split("\n")
# write settings list to the file
def write_settings():
settings_str = "\n".join(settings)
settings_str_len = str(len(settings_str))
scpi('MMEM:DOWN:SIZE ' + settings_str_len)
scpi('MMEM:DOWN:DATA #' + str(len(settings_str_len)) + settings_str_len + settings_str)
scpi('MMEM:DOWN:FNAM ""')