EEG-Conformer copied to clipboard
promote on dataset1(Dataset 2a) S05
I found that using my preprocessing program below
% 获取文件夹中的所有 gdf 文件
gdfFolder = './BCICIV_2a_gdf/'; % 指定文件夹路径
matFolder = './true_labels/';
outFolder = './Data/';
gdfFiles = dir(fullfile(gdfFolder, '*.gdf')); % 获取文件夹中的所有 gdf 文件
nfiles = length(gdfFiles); % 获取文件个数
% 逐个处理 gdf 文件
for k = 1:nfiles
% 获取当前文件名
[gdfpath,gdfname,gdfExt] = fileparts(gdfFiles(k).name); % 获取文件名
gdfpath = fullfile(gdfFolder, [gdfname,gdfExt]); % 获取完整路径
matpath = fullfile(matFolder, [gdfname,'.mat']);
% 读取 gdf 文件
[signal, HDR] = sload(gdfpath); % 读取信号和头文件
label = classlabel;
% 获取事件信息
% Event type Description
% 276 0x0114 Idling EEG (eyes open)
% 277 0x0115 Idling EEG (eyes closed)
% 768 0x0300 Start of a trial
% 769 0x0301 Cue onset left (class 1)
% 770 0x0302 Cue onset right (class 2)
% 771 0x0303 Cue onset foot (class 3)
% 772 0x0304 Cue onset tongue (class 4)
% 783 0x030F Cue unknown
% 1023 0x03FF Rejected trial
% 1072 0x0430 Eye movements
% 32766 0x7FFE Start of a new run
event_pos = HDR.EVENT.POS; % 获取事件发生的位置(采样点)
event_typ = HDR.EVENT.TYP; % 获取事件类型(数字编码)
event_dur = HDR.EVENT.DUR; % 获取事件持续时间(数字)
% 创建数据列表
data = []; % 创建一个空列表
cnt = 1;
for i = 1:length(event_pos) % 对每个事件进行循环
event_type = event_typ(i); % 获取事件类型
if event_type == 768 % 如果事件类型为0x0300
start_pos = event_pos(i) + 500; % 获取事件开始位置
end_pos = start_pos + event_dur(i) - 1 - 875; % 获取事件结束位置
data(cnt,:,:) = transpose(signal(start_pos:end_pos,1:22)); % 将信号中对应的信息添加到列表中
cnt = cnt + 1;
data = fillmissing(data,'constant',0);
% 设计6阶切比雪夫II型带通滤波器
Fs = HDR.SampleRate; % 采样频率
Wp = [0.1 60] / (Fs/2); % 通带截止频率归一化
Ws = [0.05 100] / (Fs/2); % 阻带截止频率归一化
Rp = 1; % 通带纹波
Rs = 40; % 阻带衰减
[n, Wn] = cheb2ord(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs); % 计算滤波器阶数和截止频率
[b, a] = cheby2(n, Rp, Wn); % 计算滤波器系数
% 对信号进行滤波
for i = 1:length(label)
data(i,:,:) = filter(b,a,data(i,:,:));
% 保存为 mat 文件
save([outFolder,gdfname,'.mat'], 'data', 'label'); % 保存为 mat 文件,包括信号、头文件、标记数列和数据列表
% 显示进度信息
disp(['Processed file ' num2str(k) ' of ' num2str(nfiles)]);
% 完成处理
disp('All files processed.');
would efficiently promote on S05 as:
acc: 52.08% --> 76.02%
and the other maintain a mild fluctuation I believe that it's only a preprocessing problem, hope this will help :D
Thanks a lot for your help !!! Best wishes for your work. 🤝
- The band-pass filter is different from the one we use,
- The one above almost preserves the full band, but ours preserve ~4-30 Hz.
- It will be meaningful to explore which frequency band is more suitable for motor imagery (including beta and mu). Thanks for your help! 🤝