Eero Helenius

Results 40 issues of Eero Helenius

To indicate whether the user should re-evaluate the view, it might be useful to show whether the view has changed since it was last evaluated. It might be possible to...

The "resources" directory is in the classpath by default. That means it ends up in the JAR file Leiningen creates. Leiningen deletes everything in the "target" directory when it creates...

xmlcalabash-1.1.9-96. Buildfile: ``` xml ``` Error: ``` Buildfile: /private/tmp/xmlcalabash-1.1.9-96/build.xml build: [c:calabash] Pipelining into /private/tmp/xmlcalabash-1.1.9-96 BUILD FAILED /private/tmp/xmlcalabash-1.1.9-96/build.xml:8: java.lang.NullPointerException at at com.xmlcalabash.drivers.CalabashTask.process( at com.xmlcalabash.drivers.CalabashTask.execute( ``` It seems to me that...

If caret is on `` (or just symbol and resolve it in the runtime?) and user runs **Tutkain: Show Examples**, search for e.g. `/examples/{fnname}.repl` in the class path. If found,...

Something like this: ```clojure (def classpath-nses (delay (into (sorted-set) (comp (mapcat path-files) (filter #(or (string/ends-with? % ".clj") (string/ends-with? % ".cljc"))) (remove #(string/starts-with? % "META-INF")) (map #(subs % 0 (.lastIndexOf ^String...

Repro: ```clojure ((((((((((((((((((((((f)))))))))))))))))))))) ```

I'm a bit confused by this: ```bash $ clj -Srepro -Sdeps '{:deps {com.gearswithingears/shrubbery {:mvn/version "0.4.1"}}}' ``` ```clojure user=> (use 'shrubbery.core) nil user=> (defprotocol A (x [this])) A user=> (def fake-A...

Currently, if a test throws an exception, every line of the stack trace refers to a `.js` file. It would be more useful if stack traces referred to the original...


This is a port of (see