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STM32 HAL driver for MAX30102 pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor. Not for clinical use – proceed at your own risk.

MAX30102 STM32 HAL Driver

STM32 HAL driver for the MAX30102 pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor.

[!CAUTION] This library is NOT intended for clinical use. Proceed at your own risk.

Data read from MAX30102

Quick start

Minimal setup

Setup of MAX30102

STM32CubeMX setup

  • In STM32CubeMX, set I2C1 to "I2C" and USART1 to "asynchronous"
  • Set up an external interrupt pin in GPIO settings, use "external interrupt mode with falling edge trigger detection" and "pull-up" settings.
  • Activate the external interrupt in NVIC settings by checking the corresponding box.
  • Connect the INT# pin of your MAX30102 to this external interrupt pin.
  • Save and generate code.

Main Program

Outside the main function

  • Include max30102_for_stm32_hal.h":
#include "max30102_for_stm32_hal.h"
  • If necessary, override the built-in plot function __weak void max30102_plot(uint32_t ir_sample, uint32_t red_sample) in the main file outside the main function:
void max30102_plot(uint32_t ir_sample, uint32_t red_sample) {
  / * Insert your printing logic here * /

Before the superloop

  • Declare an max30102_t object:
max30102_t max30102;
  • Initiate the max30102_t object and pass the corresponding I2C handle:
max30102_init(&max30102, &hi2c1);
  • Reset the sensor and clear FIFO pointers:
  • Set up sensor configurations:
// FIFO configurations
max30102_set_fifo_config(&max30102, max30102_smp_ave_8, 1, 7);
// LED configurations
max30102_set_led_pulse_width(&max30102, max30102_spo2_16_bit);
max30102_set_adc_resolution(&max30102, max30102_spo2_adc_2048);
max30102_set_sampling_rate(&max30102, max30102_spo2_800);
max30102_set_led_current_1(&max30102, 6.2);
max30102_set_led_current_2(&max30102, 6.2);
  • Enter measurement mode:
// Enter SpO2 mode
max30102_set_mode(&max30102, max30102_spo2);
  • Enable the required interrupts:
// Enable FIFO_A_FULL interrupt
max30102_set_a_full(&max30102, 1);
// Enable die temperature measurement
max30102_set_die_temp_en(&max30102, 1);
// Enable DIE_TEMP_RDY interrupt
max30102_set_die_temp_rdy(&max30102, 1);

In the superloop

  • Run interrupt handler once interrupt flag is active:
while (1) {
  // If interrupt flag is active
  if (max30102_has_interrupt(&max30102))
    // Run interrupt handler to read FIFO


  • Include max30102_for_stm32_hal.h":
#include "max30102_for_stm32_hal.h"
  • Declare the max30102_t object as extern:
extern max30102_t max30102;
  • In the corresponding external interrupt handler function, call:


  • Complie and flash program to microcontroller.
  • Read the results from a serial monitor/plotter.
  • Refer to ./examples (main.c, stm32f1xx_it.c) and datasheets for further information.