node-openvg copied to clipboard
createPBufferFromClientBuffer causes exception
The createPBufferFromClientBuffer is causing a fatal exception.
I'm using node v0.10.22 Raspbian latest version upgraded/updated through apt-get Hard float
The error can be obtained using the openvg-canvas example shadows.js
pi@raspberrypi ~/tmp/node_modules/openvg-canvas $ node examples/shadows.js Loading typeface file: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf # # Fatal error in , line 0 # API call returned invalid object # ==== Stack trace ============================================ Security context: 0x4bf09619#0# 1: checkShadowEffects(aka checkShadowEffects) [/home/pi/tmp/node_modules/openvg-canvas/lib/context.js:471] (this=0x4bf08091 ) 2: fillRect [/home/pi/tmp/node_modules/openvg-canvas/lib/context.js:495] (this=0x2e664a3d #1#,x=20,y=20,w=40,h=40) 3: paint(aka paint) [/home/pi/tmp/node_modules/openvg-canvas/examples/shadows.js:39] (this=0x4bf08091 ) 4: /* anonymous */ [/home/pi/tmp/node_modules/openvg-canvas/examples/shadows.js:88] (this=0x2e63fc4d #2#,exports=0x2e63fc4d #2#,require=0x2e63fc29 #3#,module=0x2e63fc01 #4#,__filename=0x3384e15d ,__dirname=0x2e63fbed ) 6: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x2e63fc01 #4#,content=0x3384ea9d #5#,filename=0x3384e15d ) 7: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x2e63fce1 #6#,module=0x2e63fc01 #4#,filename=0x3384e15d ) 8: load [module.js:356] (this=0x2e63fc01 #4#,filename=0x3384e15d ) 9: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x2e63fced #7#,request=0x3384fbbd ,parent=0x4bf08081 ,isMain=0x4bf080a1 ) 10: runMain [module.js:497] (this=0x2e63fced #7#) 11: startup [node.js:119] (this=0x4bf096c1 #8#) 12: /* anonymous */ [node.js:901] (this=0x4bf096c1 #8#,process=0x2e63fddd #9#)
The error occurs in the call to createPBufferFromClientBuffer. From my investigation, the openvg call returns a scalar value as an EGLSurface (i.e. not a pointer). i.e., it returns '2' and so it is some sort of handle. Then, when this gets wrapped by External::New(surface), it fails before returning to javascript.
There is also an error that gets output to the primary console:-
Unhandled prefetch abort: breakpoint debug exception (0x002) at 0x004d1b4c
Since there are screenshots of this sample working, maybe it is related to the version of node.js?