Eelco forked repo has support for this one
furthermore i did disabled the SQL caching for both count(*) and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS methods for performance measurements: ``` select SQL_NO_CACHE count(*) as aggregate from ( ) count_row_table; ``` AND ``` SELECT...
extra columns in Role model creates it as an extra permission when using Spatie Laravel Translatable
guest i have to use: ``` protected function mutateFormDataBeforeSave(array $data): array { $this->permissions = collect($data) ->filter(function ($permission, $key) { return !in_array($key, ['name', 'guard_name', 'select_all', 'description']); }) ->values() ->flatten(); return Arr::only($data,...
extra columns in Role model creates it as an extra permission when using Spatie Laravel Translatable
it is still a problem when i use the extra column "description" with the package: When you have multiple languages the second (and maybe other extra languages) input gets...
extra columns in Role model creates it as an extra permission when using Spatie Laravel Translatable
okay, i found the issue: because the Trait Translatable of the Spatie package uses the handleRecordUpdate() method. it calls "$localeData = $this->mutateFormDataBeforeSave($localeData);" again for every translatable field. this makes $this->permissions...
isn't it the problem that your nginx uses the path /ws/ for the connection to soketi websocket server via reverse proxy. so shouldn't the client connect to: `wss://` and not...
@testuser83 use this forked repo. there your device is supported. should get you going!
@mikkelnl check my fork of repo it should be supported there
make sure you install homey cli ```bash npm install --global --no-optional homey ``` clone the repo: ```bash git clone ``` login with your homey account via: ```bash homey...