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Patching an isomorphic structure
I have a remote data structure that is isomorphic to the local structure I'm diff'ing and I'd like to use the edit script to patch the remote structure (in an effect-full way). @eelco - in your paper you describe the edit script referring to an internal stack that pushes and pops subtrees from the source and target tree. Is there any more information about that process you could provide me?
@kosmikus, @ggreif - I realize @eelco may not be watching this repo. If you know how to get in touch with him please let me know - thank you! :)
@schell you might get inspirations from my slides Anyway, extending patch to effectful operation is on my agenda (especially when deletions must be reified effectfully, which I haven't so far managed to emulate in terms of stock patch).
@ggreif thank you! This looks great. I'll let you know if I have questions. Is that okay?
@schell yea, sure, keep asking!
I'm definitely interested in the polymorphic containers addition - is that available now? Are there any examples you have of using located values?
I'm a little confused about calling diff on an (IO Configtree) - how can diff compare IO actions?
@schell regarding IO
you only ever diff
purely packed values, where unsafePerformIO
is safe :-). Then IO
is "just like" a polymorphic Id
functor. patch
is a different issue, altogether.
For polymorphic containers you need -XRankNTypes
IIRC. You start like this:
data Fam t ts where
Just' :: Fam el elts -> Fam (Maybe el) elts
Nothing' :: Fam (Maybe el) CNil
Writing the Family
instance is pretty straightforward, Type
is a bit tricky. Please look at the other open issue to get some hints. I have to run now, but if you wish I can set up a gist later (or add to the wiki?).
One more hint: I do not have a satisfying story for decEq
on Nothing'
, since there is nothing we can delegate the decision to. I currently use unsafeCoerce Refl
for this, but I also considered adding a Typeable
constraint and an eqT
Thank you! And yes, please start the wiki, that would be very helpful.
@schell I have written For now it explains [a]
, but Maybe
should be the same, unless you want the optimization Just' :: Fam a ts -> Fam (Maybe a) ts
which needs the Meta
constructor descriptor, which is not on mainline (yet?).
@schell I’m still watching the repository, but @ggreif is doing excellent work and is way more on top of it (thanks!)
Thank you :)
@ggreif I think I've come up with another way of doing polymorphic containers without unsafeCoerce
. By adding a qualifying type variable and one more constructor to the initial data type we can encode the values within the polymorphic type, and then we need some constraints on the Family
and Type
data ListFam a t ts where
Nil' :: ListFam a [a] Nil
Cons' :: ListFam a a Nil -> ListFam a [a] (a `Cons` [a] `Cons` Nil)
Val' :: a -> ListFam a a Nil
instance (Eq a, Show a) => Family (ListFam a) where
decEq (Cons' a) (Cons' a') = do (Refl, Refl) <- decEq a a'; Just (Refl, Refl)
decEq Nil' Nil' = Just (Refl, Refl)
decEq (Val' a) (Val' a') | a == a' = Just (Refl, Refl)
| otherwise = Nothing
decEq _ _ = Nothing
fields (Cons' _) (a:as) = Just (a `CCons` as `CCons` CNil)
fields Nil' [] = Just CNil
fields (Val' _) _ = Just CNil
fields _ _ = Nothing
apply (Cons' _) (a `CCons` as `CCons` CNil) = a : as
apply Nil' CNil = []
apply (Val' a) CNil = a
string (Cons' _) = "Cons"
string (Val' a) = show a
string Nil' = "Nil"
instance (Eq a, Show a) => Type (ListFam a) a where
constructors = [Abstr Val']
instance (Eq a, Show a) => Type (ListFam a) [a] where
constructors = [ Concr Nil', Abstr $ \(x : _) -> Cons' $ Val' x ]
After that it's business as usual as far as I can tell.
I'm still working on a way of transforming a Editscript (ListFam a) [a] [a]
into a EditScript (ListFam b) [b] [b]
. I thought it would be as easy as
fmapEditList f (Ins (Val' a) es) = Ins (Val' $ f a) (fmapEditList f es)
fmapEditList f (Cpy (Val' a) es) = Cpy (Val' $ f a) (fmapEditList f es)
fmapEditList f (Del (Val' a) es) = Del (Val' $ f a) (fmapEditList f es)
fmapEditList f (CpyTree es) = CpyTree $ fmapEditList f es
But it isn't! Thoughts?
I guess since the types in the AST can be heterogeneous, a transformation may not be possible. I'm not sure...
@schell I think what is tripping you over are the List ListFam ts
constraints that live in Ins
and co. I suggest writing a slightly more complex function that also gives back a Dict (List ListFam) ts
constraint reified as a value and pattern match on that. For Dict
see the "dirt-eliminator" branch in my fork, or ekmett's constraints
But in this simple case you might get away with specifying
List (ListFam b) (b `Cons` [b] `Cons` Nil)
on your fmap
's signature. You probably have to also check for Nil'
etc. there.
Hi @schell, I am trying to do exactly the same thing. Did you have any success patching the isomorphic structure, or even just defining fmapEditList
@rvl - no! Sorry!
tldr; I gave up on this approach and switched to an entirely different strategy.
I was building a tree of datatypes that represent graphical elements in a scene, and then attempting to use gdiff to create an edit script to apply to an isomorphic tree of renderers that would render the 'elements' to the screen.
My new strategy is to write Hashable instances for all elements and hold them in a flat list with a transformation and hold the renderers in a map keyed by the elements' hashes. When an element is updated its hash changes and its previous renderer can be removed from the map (and dealloc'd). The strategy is less elegant but also less 'deep'.
I hope you figure it out!
Thanks for your help @schell. I am diffing something like Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs.XmlTrees and want to apply the edit script to an actual DOM.
If possible I will persist with this strategy. My plan is to parse the edit script with Parsec to produce a list of DOM operations. For this, I need a function similar to fmapEditList
import Text.Parsec.Prim
type XmlDiff = EditScript XmlTreeFamily XmlTree XmlTree
instance Monad m => Stream XmlDiff m XmlDiff where
uncons = return . diffUncons
diffUncons :: XmlDiff -> Maybe (XmlDiff, XmlDiff)
diffUncons x@(Ins _ d) = Just (x, diffUncons d)
diffUncons x@(Del _ d) = Just (x, diffUncons d)
diffUncons x@(Cpy _ d) = Just (x, diffUncons d)
diffUncons x@(CpyTree d) = Just (x, diffUncons d)
diffUncons End = Nothing
The problem is that the type of the Stream
instance and uncons
are wrong. But at this point I don't know enough about GADTs and heterogenous lists to make it right.
@rvl What about setting up a small concrete example of what you want to accomplish (as a gist with MIT license) and give me perms? Then I can give it a try. I spent a few months of my life gdiff-whispering all kinds of GADTs, so there is a fair chance that I can help you.
Hi @ggreif, thanks for your generous offer. I have put the essence of my plan and some context in a standalone script: PatchDom.hs.
Cool. I doubt you'll get far with the "parse . show" approach. I'll try the method sketched in the presentation I linked in an earlier comment. But now I have to sleep first.
Em sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016, Rodney Lorrimar [email protected] escreveu:
Hi @ggreif, thanks for your generous offer. I have put the essence of my plan and some context in a standalone script: PatchDom.hs
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Has anyone had any luck with this? I'm revisiting with a new project and am now in need of the ability to patch a separate structure. I think this would be the defacto operation in this library. It seems to me that patch
by itself is superfluous given that you already have the target value in order to diff in the first place - but maybe I'm not understanding the main use case. Is the main use case saving the edit script to disk and applying later?