harbour-tIDE copied to clipboard
Not able to build the runnable app
I tried to run the app BabyLogger. tIDE works nicely. When I tried to Build the app, the next error message occurs:
pkgconfig(sailfishapp) >= 1.0.2 is needed by harbour-babylogger-0.4.6-1.armv7hl
pkgconfig(Qt5Core) is needed by harbour-babylogger-0.4.6-1.armv7hl
pkgconfig(Qt5Qml) is needed by harbour-babylogger-0.4.6-1.armv7hl
pkgconfig(Qt5Quick) is needed by harbour-babylogger-0.4.6-1.armv7hl
The app code can be get from github by git clone https://github.com/goldfrappe r/BabyLogger
And sorry to answer late. This error comes because in your spec file Qt5Core,Qt5Qml,Qt5Quick and sailfishapp are required but not installed on your device. I haven't myself yet tried to install those(qt5-qmake, make, gcc-c++, qt5-qtgui-devel, qt5-qtcore-devel, libsailfishapp-devel(I have to test this, but be warned those can break your device)). I have myself just edited the spec file accordingly, not to have those build requirements.
Bad example is the spec file that tIDE generates when creating the new app. :) https://github.com/eekkelund/harbour-tIDE/blob/devel/tide/qml/template-app/rpm/template.spec
Hope this helps :)
Congratulations for the win of the Maemo Regatta and thanks for the answer. I partly understand:) I notice I don't currently fully understand the difference of the Run command and the Build command in tIDE. Somehow the cloned app can be run with tIDE but not installed permanently without modifications.