AI101-DeepLearning copied to clipboard
AI101 - Comprehensive Deep Learning Tutorial
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Course Content
Essential Programming Tensorflow Tutorial Video Link
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Introduction to Numpy
- Introduction to Tensorflow and Keras
Essential basics of Linear Algebra
Solution of Equations, row and column Interpretation
Vector Space Properties
Partial Derivative of Polynomial and Two conditions for Local Minima
Physical Interpretation of gradient (Direction of Maximum Change)
Matrix Vector Multiplication
EVD and interpretation of Eighen Vectors
Linear Independence and Rank of Matrix
Orthonormal Matrices, Projection Matrices, Vandemonde Matrix, Markov Matrix, Symmetric, Block Diagonal
Selected topics of Machine Learning
Intuition behind Linear Regression, classification
Grid Search
Gradient Descent
Training Pipeline
Metrics - ROC Curve, Precision Recall Curve
Calculating Entropy
Basics of Neural Network
Evolution of Perceptrons, Hebbs Principle, Cat Experiment
Single layer NN
Tensorflow Code
Multilayer NN
Back propagation, Dynamic Programming
Mathematical Take on NN
Function Approximator
Link with Linear Regression
Dropout and Activation
Optimizers and Loss Functions
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Network
- 1D and 2D Convolution
- Why CNN for Images and speech?
- Convolution Layer
- Coding Convolution Layer
- Learning Sharpening using single convolution Layer in Tensor-Flow
Different Layers in CNN pipeline
- Convolution
- Pooling
- Activation
- Dropout
- Batch Normalization
- Object Classification
- Creating Batch in Tensorflow and Normalize
- Training MNIST and CIFAR datasets
- Understanding a pre-trained Inception Architecture
- Input Augmentation Techniques for Images
Transfer Learning
- Finetuning last layers of CNN Model
- Selecting appropriate Loss
- Adding a new class in the last Layer
- Making a model Fully Convolutional for Deployment
- Finetune Imagenet for Cats vs Dog Classification.
Object Detection and Localization
- Different types of problem in Objects
- Difficulties in Object Detection and Localization
- Fast RCNN
- Faster RCNN
- YOLO v1-v3
- MobileNet
- Image Compression - Simple Autoencoder
- Denoising Autoencoder
- Variational Autoencoder and Reparematrization Trick
- Robust Word Embedding using Variational Autoencoder
Time Series Modelling
- Evolution of Recurrent Structures
- LSTM, RNN, GRU, Bi-RNN, Time-Dense
- Learning a Sine Wave using RNN in Tensorflow
- Creating Autocomplete for Harry Potter in Tensorflow
GANs : GANs Tutorial Video Link
Generative vs Discrimative Models
Theory of GAN
Simple Distribution Generator in Tensorflow using MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo)
DCGAN,WGANs for Images
InfoGANs, CycleGANs and Progressive GANs
Creating a GAN for generating Manga Art
Model Free Approaches in Reinforcement Learning : RL Video Link
- Model Free Prediction
- Monte Carlo Prediction and TD Learning
- Model Free Control with REINFORCE and SARSA Learning
- Assignment Implementation of REINFORCE and SARSA Learning in Gridworld
- Off policy vs On Policy Learning
- Importance Sampling for Off Policy Learning
- Q Learning
Behavioral Cloning and Deep Q Learning
- Understanding Deep Learning as Function Approximator
- Theory of Behavioral Cloning and Deep Q Learning
- Revisiting Point Collector Example in Unity and
- **Assignment : **Training Cartpole Example via Deep Q Learning