Edwin Ng

Results 29 comments of Edwin Ng

@ezekielbarnett brilliant idea. We have something similar to what you've described in our roadmap actually.

Good point. S2GT indeed has some use case for dual seasonalities. I will consult with Slawek if he is interested in translating it to orbit.

Is this tutorial / some similar tutorial for HMCGibbs now officially in the numpyro tutorial yet?

recommend to try latest version which uses cmdstanpy instead.

> Encounter the same error using Mac OS @skyesheng you may want to try the `dev-114-cmdstanpy` branch and see the if the problem still exists.

currently we encounter `TBB_CXX_TYPE` problem. check jobs from [orbit-ml-feedstock](https://github.com/conda-forge/orbit-ml-feedstock) for details