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Can't find implementation of Ord a
I am new to Idris, so forgive me if this a dumb question.
When doing Exercise 5 on page 101 of the TypeDD book, my solution (which is the same as the suggested solution in this repository) exhibits the following behavior when I launch idris ex_4_1.idr
Type checking ./ex_4_1.idr
*ex_4_1> maxMaybe Nothing Nothing
Can't find implementation for Ord a
According to the definition of maxMaybe
(included below for reference), it seems the answer should be Nothing
. Is this an error? Do I not have Idris set up correctly?
maxMaybe : Ord a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maxMaybe Nothing Nothing = Nothing
maxMaybe Nothing (Just y) = Just y
maxMaybe (Just x) Nothing = Just x
maxMaybe (Just x) (Just y) = Just (max x y)
This is because at the REPL Idris doesn't know what type the 'Maybe' contains, since you haven't explicitly specified. It won't, in general, infer a type - in programs you have to give top level types - but it does make a best effort at the REPL.
(Sorry to be slow, I haven't been paying attention to this repo... probably a better place to ask for a quicker response is the idris mailing list)