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Easy, type-safe UI theming in Swift
Easy, type-safe UI theming in Swift.
This project is still in it's early stages, so any and all feedback is welcome. Have any suggestions for how to make this library better? Please leave an issue :)
Pull requests are always very welcome.
- Type-safe API
- Transparent memory management
- Automatically reuse last used theme
- Thread safe UI updates
- Theme Views and Controls without subclassing
- Extremely flexible (build and load your theme the way that works for you)
Installing with CocoaPods:
# In your Podfile add the following, then
# save and run `pod install`:
pod 'Themeable'
Example Usage
import UIKit
import Themeable
// Define the theme and its properties to be used throughout your app
struct MyAppTheme: Theme {
let identifier: String
let seperatorColor: UIColor
let lightBackgroundColor: UIColor
let statusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle
static let light = MyAppTheme(
identifier: "co.brushedtype.Themeable.light-theme",
seperatorColor: .lightGray,
lightBackgroundColor: .white,
statusBarStyle: .default
static let dark = MyAppTheme(
identifier: "co.brushedtype.Themeable.dark-theme",
seperatorColor: .black,
lightBackgroundColor: .gray,
statusBarStyle: .lightContent
// Expose the available theme variants
static let variants: [MyAppTheme] = [ .light, .dark ]
// Expose the shared theme manager
static let manager = ThemeManager<MyAppTheme>(default: .light)
// Conform to the `Themeable` protocol and register for updates
class TableViewController: UITableViewController, Themeable {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// register the themeable items once all the view and subviews
// have been loaded
MyAppTheme.manager.register(themeable: self)
// function will be called whenever the theme changes
func apply(theme: MyAppTheme) {
self.tableView.separatorColor = theme.seperatorColor
self.tableView.backgroundColor = theme.lightBackgroundColor
The MIT License (MIT)