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Simple Monocular Visual Odometry method in ROS package (inspired by

Simple Monocular Visual Odometry method in ROS package

  • Mainly inspired by
  • Dataset: KITTI 00 sequence
  • Extractor: FAST
  • Tracker: LK Optical Flow
  • Tested Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & ROS melodic.


  • ROS kinetic (Ubuntu 16.04) or ROS melodic (Ubuntu 18.04) download
  • KITTI odometry dataset download


  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Put this direcotory into your workspace such as catkin_ws.
  • Build the workspace using catkin_make.
  • Update ROS packages using rospack profile.
  • Edit the launch file launch/mono_vo_ros.launch
    • Change fn_kitti variable to the kitti path in your system.
  • Run roslaunch mono_vo_ros mono_vo_ros.launch.