Edward Shen

Results 43 comments of Edward Shen

So uh the new banner actually supports exporting to iCal: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6173958/45405207-f1b9bd80-b62f-11e8-8b3d-bfb4f288289b.png) It's a little annoying and a little inaccurate (last week was a little screwy), but it works pretty well.

Bumping this, since I just had a friend suggest filtering as a new feature request.

How would filtering work? Is this something we can implement in our backend, e.g. in /common/search.js, or would we need to do client-side filtering?

I definitely consider email and SMS to be off the table: no one considers email as a fast way of communication anymore (which speed is super critical for classes), and...

> given your current data storage techniques hahahaha ---- In all honesty though, we could likely implement a short term naive implementation by storing the previously fetched data, and iterating...

[Doesn't look like they're open source, unforuntately.](https://github.com/courseoff). I would love to find how how they grab it, and if they do it client or server side.

If we were to implement live updating, we'd have a few options: 1. Have the user browser keep track (cookies/localstorage, perhaps) of which ones were recently polled, so they don't...

Lets aim for 90%+ coverage!

I think there's just confusion in what the semantics of this lint does. I think you're expecting to be "Exclude this name from the list of names that are checked...

My two (admittedly bikeshedding) cents: I think trying to stay HTML5 compliant as possible would probably be the most intuitive. `data-dest` might be a better name; or we could also...