face icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
face copied to clipboard

[deprecated] 👽 Face Recognition package for Laravel

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. How to use
    1. Detect api
    2. Albums
      1. Create
      2. Update
      3. Delete
      4. Get all albums
      5. Get an album
      6. Add face into an album
      7. Remove face from album
    3. Search
    4. Get a Face
  4. License
  5. Security


To get the latest version, require the project using composer:

composer require eduardostuart/face

Once installed, you need to register the Face Service provider in your config/app.php.

return [
    // ....

And add Face Facade into config/app.php.

return [
    // ....
    'Face' => Face\Facades\Face::class,


To start using Laravel Face, you need to publish Face configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Face\FaceServiceProvider"

You also need to add credentials (or custom settings) for services that your application utilizes. These informations should be placed in config/face.php file.

How to use


Detect and analyzes human faces.

// ...
use Face;

$results = Face::detect('https://.../photo.jpg');


Create album

// ...
use Face;

$album = Face::createAlbum("my album name", [
    "face-id-1", "face-id-2", 

// $album->getName();
// $album->getTags();
// $album->getFaces();
// $album->toJson();
// $album->toArray();

Remove album

// ...
use Face;

    echo "OK!";

Update album

// ...
use Face;

$albumUpdated = Face::updateAlbum("album-id", "new album name");

Get all albums

// ...
use Face;

$albums = Face::albums();

Get an album

// ...
use Face;

$album = Face::album("album-id");
echo $album->getName();

Add face into an album

// ...
use Face;

if(Face::addIntoAlbum("album-id", ["face-1-id","face-2-id"])){
    echo "Added!";

Remove face from album

// ...
use Face;

if(Face::removeFaceFromAlbum("album-id", ["face-1-id","face-2-id"])){
    echo "Removed!";


Find one or more similar faces.

// ...
use Face;

$albumId = '1234';

$result = Face::search($albumId, 'https://.../photo.jpg');

// $result->getTotal();
// $result->getResults();

Get a Face

// ...
use Face;

$result = Face::getFace('face-id');

// $result->getAttributes();
// $result->getId();
// $result->getReference();



Face is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Eduardo Stuart at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.