tracking.js copied to clipboard
The source width is 0
Getting an Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The source width is 0.
error while attempting to track face on video for one frame.
Apparently, chrome has an issue with element.offsetWidth
and element.offsetHeight
hence the lines:
tracking.trackVideo_ = function(element, tracker) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var width;
var height;
var resizeCanvas_ = function() {
width = element.offsetWidth; <---------
height = element.offsetHeight; <--------
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
are breaking the tracking function for new versions of chrome. This only happens when the canvas element is not defined as display:block
Anyhow, changing these line to utilize element.width
and element.height
for chrome solves the problem.
The problem happens if the video element is not attached to the HTML. In this case the offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties don't exist. I would propose to change resizeCanvas_ function in tracking.js line 249. and 250. to the following:
width = element.offsetWidth || element.width;
height = element.offsetHeight || element.height;
Unfortunately i don't have time to create a pull request this week, but it would be nice to see this improvement in the source
Having same issue with Chrome v69 on Windows 10... Trying solution proposed by @kovacs-tamas and it works very nice for Chrome...
make sure your media tags has both height and width dimenstions
I put the track function in the callback function onloadedmetadata of video and solve this problem。liek this:
this.$refs.refVideo.onloadedmetadata = e => {
initTracker() {
this.context = this.$refs.refCanvas.getContext("2d") // 画布
this.tracker = new tracking.ObjectTracker(['face']) // tracker实例
this.tracker.setStepSize(1.7) // 设置步长
this.tracker.on('track', this.handleTracked) // 绑定监听方法
try {
tracking.track('#video', this.tracker) // 开始追踪
} catch (e) {
this.scanTip = "访问用户媒体失败,请重试"