koa-proxy copied to clipboard
Proxy middleware for koa
introduce 'ignoreMethods' option for excluding some specific http method
The 'request' and 'request-promise-native' packages have long been deprecated, and also pull in deprecated uuid and har-validator packages. Node will be getting native 'fetch' (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v18.0.0/#header-fetch-experimental) based on WHATWG/W3C standard fetch...
post : id=2&t=1 method : post Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
The package 'request' is marked as [deprecated](https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142) since 11 Feb 2020. Therefore, I think koa-proxy should consider using other library and replace the deprecated package.
I want to send a `x-forwarded-host` header in the proxy request, and tried to implement like this: ```js app.use(proxy({ host: 'somethingelse.com', match: '\/something\//, requestOptions: (req, options) => { options.headers['X-Forwarded-Host'] =...
I see right here 5bac2f935f465749441f8b84da977e76723443dd that all refenreces to `stream` and `pause-stream` were removed but the require statements at the begging of the file are still there. Are they used...
Good news everyone, @popomore transferred control over `koa-proxy` to me. I've cleaned up the repo a bit, and released a v1-alpha version which should be compatible with Koa v2: `npm...