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Golang module exporting general purpose functions I get tired of rewriting every time
Golang module exporting general purpose functions I get tired of rewriting every time
go get github.com/edoardottt/golazy
Name | Description |
ScanInputStdin() []string | It returns the array of elements taken as input on stdin. |
RemoveDuplicateStrings(strSlice []string) []string | It removes duplicates from a slice of strings taken as input and returns the result |
RemoveDuplicateInts(intSlice []int) []int | It removes duplicates from a slice of integers taken as input and returns the result |
RemoveDuplicateFloats(floatSlice []float64) []float64 | It removes duplicates from a slice of floats taken as input and returns the result |
AppendOutputToTxt(output string, filename string) | It tries to append the output string in the file "filename" taken as input. |
AppendOutputToTxtAndExit(output string, filename string) | It appends the output string in the file "filename" taken as input, but if it encounters an error it logs it and exits. |
GetHost(input string) (string, error) | It takes as input a string and tries to parse it as url, if it's a well formatted url it returns the host (the domain if you prefer) |
GetProtocol(input string) (string, error) | It takes as input a string and tries to parse it as url, if it's a well formatted url it returns the protocol |
HasProtocol(input string) bool | It takes as input a string and checks if it has a protocol ( like in a URI/URL) |
RemoveProtocol(input string) string | It removes the protocol from the input string (something://...). If it's not present it returns the input |
RemovePort(input string) string | It removes port from the input string. If it's not present it returns the input |
SameDomain(url1 string, url2 string) bool | It checks if two urls have the same domain |
GetPath(input string) (string, error) | It returns the path of the input string (if correctly URL-formatted) |
ReadFileLineByLine(inputFile string) []string | It reads from a file taken as input and returns a slice of strings (duplicates allowed). |
License 📝
This repository is under GNU General Public License v3.0.
edoardoottavianelli.it to contact me.