favirecon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
favirecon copied to clipboard

Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase. Quickly detect technologies, WAF, exposed panels, known services.


Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase

Coded with 💙 by edoardottt

go action go report card
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InstallGet StartedExamplesChangelogContributingLicense

Note This tool heavily relies on its favicon hash database. If you think you have a new favicon hash that's worth adding or you think there is a wrong hash-service association please open an issue.

Install 📡

Using Snap

sudo snap install favirecon

Using Go

go install github.com/edoardottt/favirecon/cmd/favirecon@latest

Get Started 🎉

  favirecon [flags]

   -u, -url string   Input domain
   -l, -list string  File containing input domains
   -cidr             Interpret input as CIDR

   -hash string[]        Filter results having these favicon hashes (comma separated)
   -c, -concurrency int  Concurrency level (default 50)
   -t, -timeout int      Connection timeout in seconds (default 10)
   -rl, -rate-limit int  Set a rate limit (per second)

   -o, -output string  File to write output results
   -v, -verbose        Verbose output
   -s, -silent         Silent output. Print only results

Examples 💡

Identify a single domain

favirecon -u https://www.github.com
echo https://www.github.com | favirecon

Grab all possible results from a list of domains (protocols needed!)

favirecon -l targets.txt
cat targets.txt | favirecon

Grab all possible results belonging to a specific target(s) (protocols needed!)

cat targets.txt | favirecon -hash 708578229

Grab all possible results from single CIDR

favirecon -u -cidr

Changelog 📌

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

Contributing 🛠

Just open an issue / pull request.

Before opening a pull request, download golangci-lint and run

golangci-lint run

If there aren't errors, go ahead :)

In the news 📰

License 📝

This repository is under MIT License.
edoardoottavianelli.it to contact me.