Hey.. Thanks for responding so quickly! ## If I recall correctly, what was happening is like this: test1/(:any) test2/(:any) test3/(:any) (:any) The way your "_parse_routes" function works, If I went...
Just wanted to add... I believe I'm describing what we saw happening correctly with the routing.. BUT IF NOT.. What was happening was that "(:any)" was getting added to anything.....
Just in case you are wondering why I am still trying to use Sprinkle now that we are using External Asset Manager... It's because External is working well for us,...
Hey.. Anyway, was just doing some debugging.. I think sprinkle will working correctly if this like is commented out in # the "_parse_routes" function: $uri = empty($uri) ?: substr($this->uri->ruri_string(), 1,...
Hmm. Interesting.. Never mind.. It's not working correctly. It ends up cutting "module/function" to just "module", so it won't match "module/(:any)".. Oh well.. On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:23...
Acck... Just decided to update the line to check for segments and it seems to be ## working (not sure about in sprinkle, but I would assume it does): $uri...
Acckk. sorry again.. Still doing some odd things.. I'll let you know what I find after doing heavier testing. C'ya, Edmund On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Edmund...
Ok.. I'm pretty sure I see what's going on... If things are rerouted, there is an issue. ## Just as an example, say we have a routes set up like...
Ok.. Sprinkle / Routing Things I noticed when testing: So, this is what I'm seeing: # With that modification I put on that line in _parse_routes: $uri = empty($uri) ?:...
Awesome !! Can't wait.. Hope things workout ! C'ya, Edmund On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:01 AM, Edmundas < [email protected] > wrote: > > Cheers for debugging. I isolated...