flask-htmx copied to clipboard
A Flask extension to work with HTMX.
########## Flask-HTMX ##########
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A Flask extension to work with HTMX.
Documentation: https://flask-htmx.readthedocs.io
.. quickstart-startblock
Install the extension with pip.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install flask-htmx
Or perhaps you use Poetry.
.. code-block:: bash
poetry add flask-htmx
HTMX Request
You can register the HTMX object by passing the Flask
object via the constructor.
.. code-block:: python
htmx = HTMX(app)
Or you can register the HTMX object using
HTMX.init_app() <https://flask-htmx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/flask_htmx.htmx.html#flask_htmx.htmx.HTMX.init_app>
.. code-block:: python
htmx = HTMX()
A minimal working example.
.. code-block:: python
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_htmx import HTMX
app = Flask(__name__)
htmx = HTMX(app)
def home():
if htmx:
return render_template("partials/thing.html")
return render_template("index.html")
The above example checks whether the request came
from HTMX or not. If :code:htmx
evaluates to
True <https://docs.python.org/3/library/constants.html#True>
, then it was a HTMX request, else
False <https://docs.python.org/3/library/constants.html#False>
This allows you to return a partial HTML when it's a HTMX request or the full page HTML when it is a normal browser request.
Flask-HTMX also supports checking for HTMX headers during a request in the view. For example, check the current URL of the browser of a HTMX request.
.. code-block:: python
def home():
current_url = htmx.current_url
return render_template("index.html", current_url=current_url)
Other HTMX request headers are also available. See https://htmx.org/reference/#request_headers.
HTMX Response
You might be interested on adding
htmx response headers <https://htmx.org/reference/#response_headers>
_ to your response.
Use :code:flask_htmx.make_response
for that. For example, instead of:
.. code-block:: python
import json
from flask import make_response
from my_app import app
def hola_mundo():
body = "Hola Mundo!"
response = make_response(body)
response.headers["HX-Push-URL"] = "false"
trigger_string = json.dumps({"event1":"A message", "event2":"Another message"})
response.headers["HX-Trigger"] = trigger_string
return response
You can do:
.. code-block:: python
from flask_htmx import make_response
from my_app import app
def hola_mundo():
body = "Hola Mundo!"
return make_response(
trigger={"event1": "A message", "event2": "Another message"},
.. quickstart-endblock
Visit the full documentation <https://flask-htmx.readthedocs.io>
.. code-block:: bash
poetry install
Running tests
.. code-block:: bash
poetry run pytest
.. code-block:: bash
poetry run pytest --cov=flask_htmx tests/
.. code-block:: bash
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html