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Custom Themes
The documentation is quite clear on how to define a custom preset, but I don't see anything about creating a custom theme. I looked through the source but didn't see an obvious way (not a vimscript pro though).
My airline segment colors don't map quite the way I'd like to my promptline segments, so I'm hoping there's a way to override it. Also since my vim color configuration is quite right atm, I'd like to hardcode the colors based on my shell rather than pulling them out of airline.
Hi, sorry for my late response.
If I'm not mistaken, you can set a hash let g:promptline_theme = {...}
(If curious, this is the code which handles hashes
So you could do something like this (sorry, I can't test it ATM, it could have syntax errors)
let g:promptline_theme = {
\'a' : [233, 183],
\'b' : [231, 240],
\'c' : [188, 234],
\'x' : [188, 234],
\'y' : [231, 240],
\'z' : [233, 183],
\'warn' : [232, 166]}
but what do these numbers mean? are they rgb color codes? more explanation please
They're ansi color codes, ranging from 0 to 255. Here's some image