embed copied to clipboard
Embed as new block
Would you consider a drastic change that embed would not be inline but block element? I think it would be logical because the link is converted into some preview which is block. It would work this way:
- There should be a button in Plus toolbar to add new Embed block.
- When user types or pastes the supported URL, the current paragraph will be split and new Embed block will be inserted
Thank you for consideration
There is very little that suggests that there would be no Plus button for an Embed (going back to the documentation now, I do see that it says it uses "pasted patterns handling"). I kept looking for it, looking for something in the inline toolbar of any other block, but nothing. It was this issue that pointed out that it's done by pasting a supported URL. Only then was I actually able to actually -use- the embed tool.
So I'd definitely argue that having it as a proper block element would be far more user-friendly, and definitely the more expected behaviour.
+1 on this
+1 on this too
+1 It would be great (and user-friendly)