can we replace avatar image with my images because for example when i have an incoming call from specific business i want to show only the logo for that business...
perfect now it works. I have multiple queues, how can i do this so every queue will have its own image and also can i put the image like this...
isn't there a way the avatar to get the image based of the queue name, if not thats ok but more important for now is to have multiple queue its...
ok now it shows exactly where i wanted on incoming call but still the avatars is showing on the call list instead of the queue image:  and also i...
can i just not save the call list because i dont need that much or remove them when closing the browser so i don't want to save on the localstorage...
now i understand what the **MaxDataStoreDays** is deleting, i thought that deletes the call list but it deletes the chat history, can you make to delete the entire call list...
is there a way to just not save the contact list (left hand side list) at all ?
yes it is still creating the data . I was thinking what about limiting the size of data to be saved in local storage, lets say to store only 100KB...
can you do a button to clear all contact list ?
Perfect its all good now . One more thing if it can be done, is it possible to NOT delete the contacts that i add manually. Thanks again i really...