Results 45 comments of Michel EDIGHOFFER

And using the [Options page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11247099/126741653-43125b62-6578-4452-83a7-bee19be2eaa2.png) ?

Yes, understood.. :/ And what if it includes github inside the url ?

The package `webext-domain-permission-toggle` permits it, I will try that

It's a joke. 😼🏹🐭 I mean to be able to stub http request. And what could be awesome, to be a proxy for the first time and request the back...

An inspiration for network mocking : https://github.com/BedrockStreaming/superagent-mock

Also a great solution: https://github.com/nock/nock

I'll try to add some tests ! @Atinux you confirmed Nuxt will crawl all pages for generating routes ? Will this feature (extract payload) be released with ? The `payload.json`...

I suggested this question because a comment made by @Atinux on https://github.com/nuxt/rfcs/issues/22#issuecomment-499075927 > - Use our crawler in union with generate.routes (crawler already working on https://github.com/nuxt/nuxtjs.org/blob/master/modules/crawler/index.js) and move it inside...

Hi, can you please provide a code reproduction because i wasn't able to reproduce it.

Thank you @trickypr ! May be make the information more visible on the release notes, with a callout for example.