ciftify copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault error
I am getting a segmentation fault error with ciftify. I am not sure where to start looking for problems. 15/160 of my subjects have this error. The freesurfer outputs look fine and fMRIprep worked on these subjects. Any advice? I'm new to this and could really use some help! Thanks! I have attached the full job script and output log. cifty fail job.pdf ciftify fail log.pdf
When trying to run this command: singularity run -B /data/scratch/pstew/tmp:/tmp fmriprep_ciftify.simg /data/project/vislab/raw/MBAR/BACKUP/MBAR/ /data/project/vislab/raw/MBAR/BACKUP/MBAR/derivatives/MBAR_reconallT2Space/ participant --participant_label MBAR10025 --verbose --read-from-derivatives /data/project/vislab/raw/MBAR/BACKUP/MBAR/derivatives/MBAR_reconallT2Space/ --rerun-if-incomplete --fs-license license.txt
This is the end of the log file: /data/project/vislab/raw/MBAR/BACKUP/MBAR/derivatives/MBAR_reconallT2Space/freesurfer/sub-MBAR10025/surf/rh.white /tmp/tmpf6q7d5w8/MNINonLinear/native/sub-MBAR10025.R.aparc.native.label.gii Failed with returncode 139 reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/tanha_002/users/greve/ Segmentation fault