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Elixir library to access the Pusher REST API.

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Elixir library to access the Pusher REST API.


Rest client

Define your Pusher.Client

ciient = %Pusher.Client{app_id: "app_id", app_key: "app_key", secret: "my_secret"}
ciient = %Pusher.Client{endpoint: "https://my_custom_pusher:8080", app_id: "app_id", app_key: "app_key", secret: "my_secret"}
Pusher.trigger(client, "message", %{ text: "Hello!" }, "chat-channel")

To get occupied channels:


To get users connected to a presence channel

Pusher.users(client, "presence-demo")

Websocket client


iex> {:ok, pid} = Pusher.WS.start_link("ws://localhost:8080", "app_key", "secret", stream_to: self)
{:ok, #PID<0.134.0>}
iex> Pusher.WS.subscribe!(pid, "channel")
iex> Pusher.WS.subscribe!(pid, "presence-channel", %PusherClient.User{id: "123", info: %{a: "b"}})
# self will receive messages like this:
%{channel: nil,
  data: %{"activity_timeout" => 120,
    "socket_id" => "b388664a-3278-11e4-90df-7831c1bf9520"},
  event: "pusher:connection_established"}

%{channel: "channel", data: %{}, event: "pusher:subscription_succeeded"}

That's it!

You can disconnect too:

iex> Pusher.WS.disconnect!(pid)