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Haven't been receiving Emails, also couldn't chmod the sh, instead need to use setfacl
I have no idea what I'm doing, followed the setup as best I could, when it came to chmod +x, it says Operation not permitted, after google searching found a forum that says you have to use setfacl as chmod doesn't work with windows SMB shares? If someone could give me the setfacl I need to use that'd be lovely. I tried to look through a setfacl instructional page, but couldn't find a command that makes a file executable. The Cronjob is running though, so it seems like it is executable? But I haven't received any emails, tried updating the email but nothing has worked yet. The email I'm trying to send it to is on the 1and1 email server, anyone else had this problem and know how to fix? Sorry if I'm not providing enough information, if you need more please ask and I'll try to give it to you. Thanks!
Also meant to say the excel generated is updating with the cronjobs run each day, just not getting emails about the results
It sounds like you have your script on a SMB share rather than saved locally on your FreeNAS/TrueNAS install. While not directly related to your issues, this project hasn't been updated in some time. A fork of this project run by dak180 has been kept up to date with TrueNAS upgrades and might work better for you: