Edgar Ramírez Mondragón

Results 154 comments of Edgar Ramírez Mondragón

Yeah, `dev` is a dependency group in `1.2`. Related: #663

> is there a way to automate validation of these docs with teh JSON schema at some point in the future so that these don't drift? @tayloramurphy There are no...

@visch you might wanna take a look at https://github.com/meltano/meltano/pull/6395#issuecomment-1195057216

> Going to focus first on why the https://github.com/meltano/meltano/runs/7509637290?check_suite_focus=true "Install Dependencies" task isn't reporting a failure to github actions. @visch that's an intriguing issue with GitHub actions in general, but...

~Blocked by https://github.com/meltano/meltano/pull/6637~

@ReubenFrankel I've fixed the remaining linter issues. Thanks!

@WillDaSilva meltano installed from PyPI vs trunk will differ in the UI assets, which we add to the wheel and sdist we push to PyPI. Do you think we should...

I agree with @aaronsteers, and there are cases where color is desired even though the terminal isn't interactive, like GitHub CI. A number of tools, like `pytest` and `nox`, already...

@rabidaudio it might be good to update the JSON schema in `schema/meltano.schema.json` to know about this field.

> A better error message or pre-run check for correct sqlite version would be really helpful This seems like a quick solution by leveraging `sqlalchemy.engine.Dialect.server_version_info`. We could check the version...