halflife-planckepoch copied to clipboard
Source Code of Half-Life: Planck Epoch
te_particle_quality under 3 will broke existing looping particle configs, due to the newly implemented quality system proposal: make looping particle does not rely on maxparticles
- [ ] Replace VGUI elements - - [x] Replace Options Menu - - - [x] Replace Audio Options - - - [x] Replace Keyboard Options - - - [x]...
- [x] Base Sound System Implementation - [x] Replace Engine Sound Function Calls With Custom Ones - [x] Implement Music Support - - [ ] Stop when forcing changelevel (through...
- [ ] Add an option to disable trinity water to func_water entities (key-value or spawnflag)
Allow normal mapped texturing - [ ] World Normal Mapping - [ ] Studiomodel Normal Mapping
Studiomodel renderer is still mostly based on the engine. We should move it out completely.