Stefan Prietl

Results 21 comments of Stefan Prietl

Ok, I think I understand now: Validation should care about the general cluster health and should not care about the other workloads running on it. This means the role PDBs...

So for me, I am in favor of getting rid of the "cluster prio" validation and relying on the PDBs. However, a possible downside could be a workload with say...

@bobrik start the mesos_slave container with "--pid=host" so that it uses the process namespace of the host. otherwise it seems that "docker wait" cannot be killed properly because it is...

Yup. IMHO this should be mentioned in serveral docs: - - And also the service script of the CoreOS example should be updated: - But I don't...

Yeah that's a bummer, just found that out. I think there is no easy solution to that. The executor processes when executing Mesos slave the normal way (without docker container)...

@bobrik I did it. Basically, with the method I mentioned in my last post. Roughly explained: I replaced `/usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-executor` in the `mesos_slave` container with a Python script which uses docker-py...

The solution I came up with:

Good question. AFAIK we never implemented my somewhat hacky solution. Currently we use 0.24.1, so at least I could test it for that version.

@tnachen Great to see a flag like `--docker_mesos_image` implemented, however i ran into an issue using it (using Docker Image `mesosphere/mesos-slave:0.27.2-2.0.15.ubuntu1404`): ``` I0401 11:02:55.378304 7 exec.cpp:134] Version: 0.27.2 I0401 11:02:55.383819...

I have implemented my change (adding the binary volume mount to the executor), and compiled it to test it. With this change, the executor container is able to find the...