Terence Eden
Terence Eden
Can't be done due to lack of geotagging in most photos.
> From the ImageMagick changelogs, you need 7.0.8-25 for ImageMagick 7 or 6.9.10-25 for Imagemagick 6. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55131609/read-exif-data-from-heic-photo-using-php?noredirect=1#comment97005467_55131609
Getting back to this. * [x] cloudimg.io supports converting *from* HEIC to JPG/WebP. So we can serve up the images once they're uploaded. Some of the images display upside down...
Reading EXIF server side ``` $imagick = new Imagick(); $imagick->readImage('test1.heic'); $exifArray = $imagick->getImageProperties("exif:*"); var_dump($exifArray); ```
There are libraries for rendering HEIC in the canvas * https://github.com/strukturag/libheif * https://strukturag.github.io/libheif/libheif.js 1.3MB though! Demo at https://strukturag.github.io/libheif/
Reading Geolocation EXIF from HEIC https://github.com/exif-heic-js/exif-heic-js
Anything I can do to help with this? A [tweet](https://twitter.com/edent/status/1263430540260257799) has sent me a couple of hundred webmentions. I enjoy having the comments replicated on my site, but I don't...
Only that I tried to contact the DVLA via GOVUK and it was very annoying that I had to copy & paste the phone number. Tried in Chrome, Opera, and...
As an example of a site which uses the tel schema https://peoplefinder.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/people/terence-eden