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Trivially Up a cluster of applications (such as a Kafka cluster!)
trivup - Trivially Up a cluster of applications
(Serving suggestion)
trivup is a flexible, pluggable, light-weight, partly naiivistic, framework for trivially bringing up a cluster of applications.
The initial use-case is to bring up a simple Kafka cluster for easily testing librdkafka on different broker versions.
Featured apps:
- Apache Kafka cluster with optional KRaft (ZooKeeper-less) support
- Apache ZooKeeper
- Confluent's Schema-Registry
- Kerberos 5 KDC for GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication
- OAUTHBEARER OIDC JWK ticket server
- SSL CA/public/private certificate generation
SECURITY WARNING: trivup will run unprotected, wide-open, poorly-configured, server applications on your machine, providing an ingress vector for intrusion, theft and data-loss. DO NOT RUN ON PUBLIC NETWORKS.
Command-line example
To spin up a Kafka cluster with Confluent Schema-Registry:
$ python3 -m trivup.clusters.KafkaCluster --version 3.1.0 --sr
Pass --help
for more options.
A sub-shell will be started with access to all cluster components, try:
$ $KAFKA_PATH/bin/ --zookeeper $ZK_ADDRESS \
--create --topic test --partitions 4 --replication-factor 3
$ kafkacat -b $BROKERS -L
As you exit the sub-shell the cluster will be brought down and deleted:
$ exit
Code example
See tests/ for a code example.
- Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Java JRE
- Netcat
- For SSL: openssl
- For GSSAPI/Kerberos: krb5-kdc (linux only, will not work on osx).
- For Schema-Registry: docker
To bootstrap your Ubuntu/Debian system with the required packages, do:
$ make bootstrap-ubuntu
# or, to also install krb5-kdc and docker:
$ make bootstrap-ubuntu-full
Set TRIVUP_ROOT=~/trivup-cache (or wherever you like) to define where trivup will have its working directory and where downloads are cached.