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Documentation or troubleshooting hints for error messages
I'm trying to send very large messages (1 MB) but it doesn't succeed and aborts with an error:
% Delivery failed for message: Local: Message timed out
It's hard to locate the source of the problem. I'd be glad if you could provide a wiki/documentation which lists all possible error messages and gives hints according to possible causes for them.
I've already modified message.max.bytes
and request.timeout.ms
on kafkacat invocation - without success. The timeout setting wasn't effective, it still aborts after 5 minutes. Anyway, I wonder why it takes so much time?
try -d msg
to enable message debugging
Thanks for the quick response!
According to https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md I just enabled -X debug=broker,topic,msg
. It basically logs this several times:
No more space in current MessageSet (0 message(s), 119 bytes)
The code location has following condition:
if (unlikely(msgcnt == msetw->msetw_msgcntmax ||
len + rd_kafka_msg_wire_size(rkm, msetw->
msetw_MsgVersion) >
max_msg_size)) {
rd_rkb_dbg(rkb, MSG, "PRODUCE",
"No more space in current MessageSet "
"(%i message(s), %"PRIusz" bytes)",
msgcnt, len);
My set value of -X message.max.bytes
was too small. I need to add a specific amount of overhead bytes (e. g. 300).
Thanks for your hint.
What version of librdkafka? (kafkacat -V)
Version 1.3.1 (JSON) (librdkafka 0.11.4 builtin.features=gzip,snappy,ssl,sasl,regex,lz4,sasl_plain,sasl_scram,plugins)
I ran into this one recently, but for producing, with the opposite fix: reducing the max message size.
%7|1615433222.151|PRODUCE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka:9092/1]: kafka:9092/1: patient [0]: No more space in current MessageSet (1107 message(s), 999931 bytes)
%7|1615433222.151|PRODUCE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka:9092/1]: kafka:9092/1: patient [0]: Produce MessageSet with 1107 message(s) (999877 bytes, ApiVersion 7, MsgVersion 2, MsgId 0, BaseSeq -1, PID{Invalid}, uncompressed)
%7|1615433222.154|MSGSET|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:kafka:9092/1]: kafka:9092/1: patient [0]: MessageSet with 1128 message(s) (MsgId 0, BaseSeq -1) encountered error: Broker: Message size too large (actions Permanent,MsgNotPersisted)
% Delivery failed for message: Broker: Message size too large
In this case I needed to set the max message size in librdkafka/kafakcat to be slightly smaller than the configuration on the broker, eg:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --entity-type brokers --all | grep message.max.bytes
... message.max.bytes=100000 ...
So I used something like:
kafkacat -P -b localhost -t patient -J -X message.max.bytes=80000 -l patient.json
Is there some way we could configure kafkacat/librdkafka by default to prevent this?
There's no practical way for a producer to know the broker's message.max.bytes setting, short of querying the topic config: but that's a complex change to introduce to the producer.