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Custom docker image with software to facilitate data science in R and Python


Created June 19, 2017 by Scott Edenbaum

Custom docker image with software to facilitate data science in R and Python

The purpose of this is to piece together a 'turn-key' Raspberry-Pi compatible Data Science development environment accompanied by a large library of current and useful data science packages for R and Python.

The result is a highly portable and convenient data science purposed platform that can connect to any web compatible device - laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. The software runs in a docker image, so it can be managed remotely.

The main interfacing software is Jupyter-lab, a web interface to run Python and R in a markdown compatible 'notebook' environment.

Following the guide here I enabled ethernet over USB on the Raspberry Pi Zero. I connect the Raspberry Pi to my laptop with a single USB cable - which provides power and network access to the Pi.

Python Packages: faker cython scikit-learn pillow bokeh gensim SymPy keras Exifread numpy pandas scipy ipython jupyter jupyterlab pandas-datareader matplotlib seaborn numexpr bottleneck SQLAlchemy openpyxl xlrd xlwt beautifulsoup4 html5lib lxml requests networkx plotly

R Libraries: yhatr ggplot2 googleVis Outliers features Hmisc party ISLR mice NLP foreign CCP RColorBrewer colorspace highr evaluatre zoo gtable RcppEigen yaml BH mtvnorm TimeROC PROC SigClust ClustEval DAIM BinomTools ACD RegTest Comparison Basta survival LSTA RankCluster CBA BigRF CoreLearn twitteR Rcpp parallel RWeka RCurl jsonlite kernlab POCR klaR ipred CORElearn mboost earth arules tree glmnet nnet igraph wordcloud MissForest MissMDA data.table sqldf forecast RMYSQL MASS dplyr reshape2 forecast stringr lubridate randomForest rpart e1071 kknn repr IRdisplay crayon pbdZMQ devtools
