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Dealing with lots of rooms
RoomList redesign
- [x] Put sort options next to search, smaller
- [x] Sort by raised hand timers
- [x] Hide minimized/deleted old rooms by default; "show" button, or search over them
- [ ] Multiple columns when wide enough
- [ ] Maximize button?
- [ ] Name and room search always visible
- [x] Room search, searching over names and rooms
- [x] Create New Room always visible
- [x] Split room list into My rooms (currently in), Active rooms (not minimized and not currently in), Old rooms (minimized)
- [ ] Names smaller?
- [x] Gray names smaller (collapse them into a count? but then can't easily find friends)
- [x] Show total number of people in each room with badge
If we have some kind of "friend list", we could collapse grey users [now completely collapsed, #99]
Rooms with raised hands should appear at the top (possibly configurable)
Regex search for rooms would be nice, e.g. 'open|design' (now #100)
An (or several?) additional layers of hierarchy might help -- we already have an "archived rooms" accordion, perhaps allow creation of arbitrary rooms-of-rooms under similar accordions? And then we can set each to be default open or closed.