Eamonn de Leastar
Eamonn de Leastar
The Skeleton Theme Designer: - [Theme Generator](https://www.skeleton.dev/docs/generator) … was part tutors in the past. The latest source for this component appears to be here: - [DocsThemer](https://github.com/skeletonlabs/skeleton/tree/dev/sites/skeleton.dev/src/lib/layouts/DocsThemer) A previous version of...
Migrate selected TutorsTime data from Firebase to the new Supabase infrastructure: - #706 - #707
Implement a new component to realise the Analytics service as developed here: - #707 using the supabase schema: - #706 This should also support reading the store and presenting in...
The Analytics service: - [analytics.ts](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/blob/development/src/lib/services/analytics.ts) is currently bound to firebase real time database implementation. Introduce an abstraction layer to facilitate the replacement of the firebase strategy with alternative data store...
Current the tutors analytics service represents student interaction using a Firebase real time NoSql document database - schema- less: - [analytics.ts](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/blob/development/src/lib/services/analytics.ts) - [firebase.ts](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/blob/development/src/lib/services/utils/firebase.ts) Develop a model - postgress/supabase initially, for...
On the footer we now have hard coded a string: This is defined here: - [TutorsMessage](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/blob/development/src/lib/ui/navigators/footers/TutorsMessage.svelte)
Carry out a full Accessibility Audit. Some potential sources of tools / techniques: - [https://www.digitala11y.com/](https://www.digitala11y.com/open-source-accessibility-tools/) - [LightHouse](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse) Initial report from Lighthouse - without any analysis: [tutors-accibility-report.html.zip](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/files/14077010/tutors-accibility-report.html.zip)
Introduce & document strategy for managing updates to tutors versions as new releases are deployed. Currently the version number reported in hard coded in a string: - [TutorsVersion](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors/blob/development/src/lib/ui/navigators/footers/TutorsVersion.svelte)
Currently there is no netlify.toml file in repo - include one to simplify Netlify build. There is one in the generator repo: - [tutors-apps](https://github.com/tutors-sdk/tutors-apps) This could be extended to include...
Implement a system comparable with moodle assignment activity, to support: - assignment specifications - rubrics - submission dropbox - feedback