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TiltingScrollView copied to clipboard

UIScrollView subclass that scrolls when the user tilts the device.


UIScrollView extension that scrolls when the user tilts the device.


  • When your view controller appears on screen (most cases in viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear), call scrollView.setTiltingEnabled(true).
  • If at any point you want to stop the tilt-to-scroll, call scrollView.setTiltingEnabled(false). This will automatically set scrollView.scrollingEnabled = true.
  • You can recalibrate the scroll view at any point by calling scrollView.calibrate(). I recommend adding a button that allows the user to choose to recalibrate in order to redefine the angle at which the scroll view goes up and down.

Public Variables

/// Factor by which the accelerometer data is multiplied to scroll the view. Larger values cause faster scrolling.

public var tiltingFactor: CGFloat = 20

Public Methods

/// Enables or disables the tilting behavior of the scroll view.
/// - true: Tilting the device causes the scroll view to scroll. `scrollingEnabled = false`
/// - false: Tilting the device does nothing. `scrollEnabled = true`

public func setTiltingEnabled(tiltingEnabled: Bool)
/// Resets the internal calculations to use the current angle of the device as the reference point.
/// At the device's current angle, the scroll view will not scroll.

public func calibrate()


If you have any issues or suggestions, please create an issue or a pull request (preferred :). Revisions and improvements are always welcome.

You can contact me on Twitter at @ERDekhayser.