gruvbox-flat.nvim copied to clipboard
Add support for treesitter highlight groups
Recently, treesitter changed the highlight groups from something like TSFunction
into @function
, so I tried customizing it using the vim.g.gruvbox_theme
variable, but it throws an error saying that Theme @... does not exist
I'm not sure if I did something wrong but I don't think it should give that error.
this is my current gruvbox-flat config file:
vim.g.gruvbox_flat_style = 'dark'
vim.g.gruvbox_terminal_colors = true
vim.g.gruvbox_italic_comments = true
vim.g.gruvbox_italic_keywords = false
vim.g.gruvbox_italic_functions = false
vim.g.gruvbox_italic_variables = false
vim.g.gruvbox_transparent = false
vim.g.gruvbox_hide_inactive_statusline = false
vim.g.gruvbox_sidebars = { 'NvimTree' }
vim.g.gruvbox_dark_sidebar = true
vim.g.gruvbox_dark_float = true
vim.g.gruvbox_colors = {}
vim.g.gruvbox_theme = {
-- ['@parameter'] = { fg = 'fg' },
['@field'] = { fg = 'red' },
-- ['@constructor'] = { fg = 'fg' },
['@function.builtin'] = { fg = 'cyan' },
['@constant.builtin'] = { fg = 'orange' },
['@function.macro'] = { fg = 'cyan' },
['@variable.builtin'] = { fg = 'red' },
['@label'] = { fg = 'red' },
['@operator'] = { fg = '#818387' },
['@namespace'] = { fg = 'yellow' },
@netfri25 a PR maybe?
These are the new highlights:
What I sais is make a PR and I will merge it