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Segmentation fault when loading large npy files (30GB input)

Open ryananeff opened this issue 6 years ago • 15 comments

Hi there!

I tried loading in the npy file from the Skymap dataset (Hannah Carter Lab, see link, in the efs/rnaseq_merged/ folder), but it fails to load. The file is 30GB in size, not compressed. The dimensions of the npy file are 34677 rows × 225203 columns. It is not gzip compressed, and was saved using this command: np.save(filename+".npy",myDF.values)

Not sure why it is crashing. Here's the output below. Please give it a go

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> library(RcppCNPy)
> mmat = npyLoad("Mus_musculus.gene_symbol.tpm.npy")

 *** caught segfault ***
address 0x7f1d955e7000, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: .External(list(name = "InternalFunction_invoke", address = <pointer: 0x22f3160>,     dll = list(name = "Rcpp", path = "/hpc/packages/minerva-common/rpackages/3.4.3/site-library/Rcpp/libs/Rcpp.so",         dynamicLookup = TRUE, handle = <pointer: 0x2218080>,         info = <pointer: 0xc19e00>), numParameters = -1L), <pointer: 0x221acf0>,     filename, type, dotranspose)
 2: npyLoad("Mus_musculus.gene_symbol.tpm.npy")

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace
Selection: 3

ryananeff avatar Nov 26 '18 16:11 ryananeff

How much RAM does the machine have?

Can you subset the data?

eddelbuettel avatar Nov 26 '18 17:11 eddelbuettel

The machine has 1.55 TB of RAM. I would like to convert the npy array to one for R analysis in a shared HPC computing environment where many people will be accessing the data. I do not know which columns/rows they need right now or in the future at this time, however currently we're doing exploratory analysis on around 100 experiments from the dataset, but we may expand that in the future.

ryananeff avatar Nov 26 '18 17:11 ryananeff

Ok, so it may now resource-starve itself but maybe run out of indexing size (the R_lent_t vs R_xlen_t issue).

Can you maybe dig a little a see if the error is

  • on the inpu-receiving side
  • the cnpy layer
  • the output-preparation side?

Ie maybe mock a standalone cnpy call?

Also see the vignette I added using reticulate--it may give you a second codepath but I am not sure if "extra large" size as you have is fully tested there either.

eddelbuettel avatar Nov 26 '18 17:11 eddelbuettel

I'm having the same issue. The file is 12GB uncompressed, the machine has 48GB RAM. How can I check to see where the error is coming from? Install CNPy and see if I can load the file from C/C++? Or is can I do this directly from the RcppCNPy?

dk657@tabulator:~/sdss_lite$ R

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> library(RcppCNPy)
> restframe <- npyLoad("restframe.npy")

 *** caught segfault ***
address 0x7f2d33bcc440, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: .External(list(name = "InternalFunction_invoke", address = <pointer: 0x3821720>,     dll = list(name = "Rcpp", path = "/home/dk657/.local/lib/R/library/Rcpp/libs/Rcpp.so",         dynamicLookup = TRUE, handle = <pointer: 0x3a1eba0>,
     info = <pointer: 0x1893b30>), numParameters = -1L), <pointer: 0x2b360a0>,
   filename, type, dotranspose)
 2: npyLoad("restframe.npy")

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace

RCIIIcm avatar Jun 01 '19 12:06 RCIIIcm

Please try to debug it with cnpy only (ie from a C routine) so that we can see if an R-influenced data structure (32-bit int?) overflows.

eddelbuettel avatar Jun 01 '19 16:06 eddelbuettel

The following loads the file fine and dumps a bunch of the first row onto the screen.

#include "cnpy.h"

int main() {
  cnpy::NpyArray arr = cnpy::npy_load("restframe.npy");
  float* loaded_data = arr.data<float>();
  for(int i=0; i<1000;i++) {
        if( i % 10 == 0)
                std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << loaded_data[i] << "\t";
  return 0;

If it's helpful, I created the file in Python like so:

restframe = np.memmap("restframe.mm",
                      dtype="float32", mode="w+",
                      shape=(n,p), order="C")
# ... fill it up...

The data as accessed from cnpy::npy_load() came in row-major; I'm not sure if that's standard, or if it's because I specified row-major (order="C") when I created the memmap and that carried over into the npy file.

RCIIIcm avatar Jun 08 '19 14:06 RCIIIcm

Good point. I think we currently try a naive transpose.

I am not sure there is something we can do here. :-/ You could try the reticulate approach which I detail in the second (newer) vignette but it also requires, methinks, that the object loads.

We have a ginormous machine at work where I could play with this for a few minutes at the end of the day. "Given sufficient ram" it may work, or it may still fail -- I use size_t in a number of places and maybe that just overflows.

Can you ... split your data?

eddelbuettel avatar Jun 08 '19 14:06 eddelbuettel

I just did what I needed to do in C++, so I no longer have an outstanding issue.

I tried importing with "dotranspose=F" and had the same error.

I also just tried it with two subsets of the problem data set, 10,000x3840 and 1000x3840 respectively (147M and 15M) and got the same error. I'll poke around more when I get a chance.

RCIIIcm avatar Jun 09 '19 00:06 RCIIIcm

Session termination while loading 78.3 MB numpy file. library('RcppCNPy') mat <- RcppCNPy::npyLoad('feature_0.npy',type = 'numeric')

vivekverma080698 avatar Jun 24 '19 05:06 vivekverma080698

Ah! I have been working with single-precision floats this whole time (i.e. numpy.float32). I wonder if that is the source of the trouble, rather than the size of the array? I just converted one of the arrays I was having trouble with to numpy.float64 and loaded just fine.

The array described in the post that opened this issue appears to be single-precision as well: the described dimensions with 4-byte (from, e.g., numpy.float32(0).itemsize) items gives a ~30GB object.

There are no single-precision floats in R though, right?

RCIIIcm avatar Aug 16 '19 19:08 RCIIIcm

There are no single-precision floats in R though, right?

Right. (And another recent long-running issue thread was by someone discovering late that Python's integer is int64 by default whereas we have int32.)

R has a really limited set of types: 32-bit integer, signed. 64-bit double precision. That is it. And RcppCNPy does not cast as it tries to be efficient and directly memory maps. I have some words in the documentation but I guess it may bear repeating.

eddelbuettel avatar Aug 16 '19 20:08 eddelbuettel

What about failing with a message if an incorrect type is passed? Maybe right after checking for endianness on line 94 in cnpy.cpp while parsing the header there could be a check for float64/int32?

bool acceptableType = (header[loc1+1] == 'f' && header[loc1+2] == '8') || (header[loc1+1] == 'i' && header[loc1+2] == '4');
Rassert(acceptableType, "Only double-precision float or 32-bit integer are allowed");

RCIIIcm avatar Aug 17 '19 03:08 RCIIIcm

In principle, yes. In practice, harder as the header var is seen only in the (original) cnpy library and I prefer to alter that code as little as possible (as updating to newer versions becomes too tedious). You may also need multiple entry points for compressed and plain files.

eddelbuettel avatar Aug 17 '19 03:08 eddelbuettel

Ah, I see. I hadn't noticed that was a replica of the original cnpy.cpp. We can still see that word size in the cnpy::NpyArray struct that's hanging around in cnpyMod.cpp, right? Can we check that it matches the appropriate word size in R?

RCIIIcm avatar Aug 17 '19 04:08 RCIIIcm

I don't see how. But if you wan to try in a pull request maybe you get there.

Otherwise the (default) status quo of works on data in default sizes remains....

eddelbuettel avatar Aug 17 '19 12:08 eddelbuettel