Eduardo Bizarro

Results 39 comments of Eduardo Bizarro

hi @rjay98 sry but I'm not yet familiar with the new CDK, can you elaborate more on what is the result expected by this get command?

hi @crypdick do you mind open up a PR for this? Thanks

@crypdick no problem, I asked because I'm a little short in time and i believe I won't be able to look at this for the next couple of weeks

Hi @fmunteanu, how many workers machines you have in your config ?

Thanks @rca0 for the time and effort to open up this PR, i'll review asap

IIRC the terraform registry don't allow/recognize the resources in this way, they assumes that all resources are in the main file

upgrade 3 major versions at once will not break any dependency? How about terraform version support?

yeah, I have a similar problem with the same day, my calendar shows me saturday'20 and duplicate that day, now I have saturday appearing 2 times as sunday'20

try `from plugins.redshift_plugin.operators.s3_to_redshift_operator import S3ToRedshiftOperator`