spatio-temporal-contrastive-film icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spatio-temporal-contrastive-film copied to clipboard

Unsupervised Film Genre Classification using Spatio-Temporal Contrastive Learning

Spatio Temporal Contrastive Film Clip Clustering

This repo is designed for unsupervised analysis of clips extracted from movie trailers.

Check out the paper this implementation is based on here:

If you are working on movie genre classification and find this code useful please consider citing the following paper:

Fish, Edward, Jon Weinbren, and Andrew Gilbert. "Rethinking Genre Classification With Fine Grained Semantic Clustering." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2021.

Data Pre-Processing

First you will need to split your trailers into scenes. PySceneDetect works well for this. The create_trans_data_frame function in will split your scenes into two transformed chunks of shape 1 x 16 x 112 x 112. To use this function pass a dataframe with the columns Filepath, Name, Scene, Genre and save the resulting pkl file.

Training the model

An example config is given in Pass the config to main to train the model.


Run the code with Train=False The model will post all the data via a SummaryWriter to a directory specified in the config object. This will also contain a Tensorboard T-SNE Plot - for kmeans use the kmeans = True flag.