Michael Santelia
Michael Santelia
I'd like to be able to send a link to a lighthouse viewer/report to someone to investigate and make improvements on the page based on the report. Can you add...
On the URL report detail, add an icon link to show the redirect hops/paths in an overlay, so the user can see what they are.
Without a point of reference, a user might not understand the donut scores are out of 100. As well, the pie charts with poor/avg/good have no reference as to what...
Currently, from the original implementation, there are hardcoded 'realistic' KPI targets in the dashboard view `reports_dashboard`: ``` 'fcp': { 'fast': 1.6, 'slow': 2.4 }, 'fmp': { 'fast': 2, 'slow': 3...
Create URL admin page, as typical, where you can: - Add a new URL - Edit a URL - De-activate a URL - Whatever else makes sense related to URL...
Add some metrics and data auditing to admin home page, ex: - Avg \# of runs per URL? - Latest test run URL and timestamp. - \# of URLs that...
Instead of a hard-coded Lighthouse run config setting, `rttms / requestLatencyMs / throughputKbps / ...` etc used on all tests, add the ability to for an admin to sign in...
We need: * re-fill-queue * all ENV VARS * clear Queue * Fetch queue items from django in paged fashion and re-fill queue from page on empty * debugging /...
We need a test suite to test all worker operations and worker / cluster communications: 1. Mock the calls to Django 2. Mock Lighthouse or spin up a test server...
When the Lighthouse cluster server runners POST report data to Django app, if Django encounters an error while saving report data log it using new logger model.