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conect onewire sensor
anyone know how to connect a DS1820 sensor OneWire to receive temperature data?
Yeah, there's lots of documentation on this. Check out these:
- http://playground.arduino.cc/Learning/OneWire
- http://sheepdogguides.com/arduino/asw1onew1.htm
These show using an interface board. You don't need an interface, though. On my Duemilanove, I run four OneWire sensors off a single port (2). I'm running three wires so I can run reliably on a 10 foot long bus, and the pull-up to the data line. You can run without the power wire, and use a common frame as a ground to get true one wire operation.
I have already connected the sensor to another arduino sketch. right now I'm using duino with heimcontrol.js. where I have to modify the sketch to receive data from this sensor.
I have connected the sensor to pin 11. and I modified the code but does not work
- Digital read */ void dr(char *pin, char *val) { if (debug) Serial.println("dr"); int p = getPin(pin); if(p == -1) { if(debug) Serial.println("badpin"); return; } int oraw = 0; if(pin==11) { int oraw = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); } else { pinMode(p, INPUT); int oraw = digitalRead(p); } char m[7]; sprintf(m, "%02d::%02d", p,oraw); Serial.println(m); }