toast-notifications-ios copied to clipboard
We at Guru software really love toast notifications available on android OS, so we've built a similar feature for the IOS enabled devices.
Very nice pod. One thought. In android if you call a multiple toasts in a row they display in order. It comes in handy sometimes cuz you dont want toasts...
in my ios7 project the iToast not show,but in other project it works fine. so I debug into the source code find if I change as this it works fine....
Changed names for the "position“ parameter.
It's working great in iOS 7 after I removed those ARC feature coz its automatically supported in iOS 7. And I think you can make an version for this, so...
/iToast.m:74:26: 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context: Please fix, thank you Roberto
The toast animations made with [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; trigger log in the console when using in ios 7 simulator, here is the log : ``` Error: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0....
Hi. I found out that when I try to show an iToast with gravity "bottom" and the keyboard is shown the toast does not appear. Dismissing the keyboard the toast...
in the method named: - (void) show:(iToastType) type change UITextAlignmentLeft to NSTextAlignmentLeft as it is deprecated. also UITextAlignmentCenter to NSTextAlignmentCenter.
First of all, this code help me a lot. Thanks for your great job. I just found a small issue, if the text is a little long, the text will...
As it is now, timer2 does call wrong selector, namely hideToast:, while it, as I assume, shall call removeToast:. Thus removeFromSuperview is never called, but instead timer2 is fired again...