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Mixed element mesh cannot be visualized in Paraview
To visualize the mixed element mesh (3D) in Pavaview. Note: the mesh file, not ATS result.
Error 1:
Converted .exo failed to be loaded in Paraview:
ERROR: In C:\glr\builds\paraview\paraview-ci\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\IO\IOSS\vtkIOSSReader.cxx, line 852
vtkIOSSReader (0000016AE7ED72B0): Error in UpdateTimeInformation:
ERROR: The topology type 'nsided349628' is not supported on 'face_block' in file 'C:/Users/<myusername>/Desktop/coweeta_basin_converted.exo'
ERROR: In C:\glr\builds\paraview\paraview-ci\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\Common\ExecutionModel\vtkExecutive.cxx, line 753
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0000016AE7D3CA80): Algorithm vtkIOSSReader(0000016AE7ED72B0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0000016AD53C27F0)
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 379518
Reference Count: 1
Registered Events: (none)
Error 2:
.vtk file cannot be generated in WW1.4 due to an AssertionError:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[48], line 5
3 except FileNotFoundError:
4 pass
----> 5 m3.write_vtk(filename+'.vtk')
File ~/ww1.4/watershed_workflow/mesh.py:928, in Mesh3D.write_vtk(self, filename)
926 print()
927 print(len(c) for c in self.cell_to_face_conn)
--> 928 assert (all(len(c) == 5 for c in self.cell_to_face_conn))
929 wedges = []
930 for c2f in self.cell_to_face_conn:
How to reproduce Error 1:
- meshconvert the .exo files generated in mesh_mixed_element_coweeta.ipynb and mesh_mixed_element_toy_problem.ipynb
- drag and drop the converted mesh to Paraview
How to reproduce Error 2:
- Run
in both examples
Thanks, Zhi
Did you try .exo
format? I never used vtk
so not 100% sure.
I've tried. Error 1 is how the .exo
format failed after running meshconvert
. It should be easily reproducible if following How to reproduce Error 1
. My Paraview version is 5.10.1, btw. Thanks!
I was able visualize the .exo
files generated from example problems, including the toy problem. I used Paraview 5.9.1. If you still have problem, you can send me your mesh file for the toy problem, and I can see if I can visualize it in Paraview at my end.
Here are the WW-generated raw mesh files and the mesh files after meshconvert
. There's also a screenshot of what's the error message looking like in my Paraview. Please give a try at your end. Thanks!
Hi Zhi,
Can you elaborate on the use of meshconvert
? WW can produce mesh files directly in .exo
format. Have you tried that?