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WIP: Jgomezvelez/nhd medium res
I created functions to download and store the NHD Plus V2 datasets given a domain boundary or HUC.
WIP: Functions to read NHD Plus V2 and create the WW dictionary are ready. The bulk of the work is in "test_download_nhdplusv21.py" and "functions_NHDPlusV2_io.py"
@ecoon : The manager for NHD Mid Res is ready for your review. I implemented a short script to test the class when called from the hilev functions. The script is in test_download_nhdplus_v2_ww_implementation.py
Note that the streamlight portion of this PR has been stripped, and this PR is being shelved for now. The NHDPlus MR v12 through the EPA website does not seem to be robust across machines, with great difficulty in getting the URL to download. Therefore we will switch to the new NLDI API supported by USGS for this data.